
Members agree to include the HTML code provided by GiantMatic.com for displaying banner ads on their web site. This code may be inserted in one or more pages within the website. No part of this code may be modified without the written consent of GiantMatic.com.

A banner that appears on your site at any time may be a banner for another member, for a sponsor, or for GiantMatic.com. Members may, however, filter their sites to accept banners of certain ratings only, ie, for sites that do not wish to display banners linking to matured oriented sites may do so. GiantMatic.com reserves the right to not accept any advertisement from entities GiantMatic.com determine to be inappropriate. For instance, we do not advertise for sites that are racist or discrimatory.

GiantMatic.com reserves the right to discontinue membership to sites that are deemed to be inappropriate. For example, sites that promote spamming, racism, discrimination, or sites that are illegal such as warez sites, etc.
A member may cancel their participation in GiantMatic.com by notifying GiantMatic.com in writing or by sending e-mail to [email protected].

All GiantMatic.com banners must be placed on a page such that the the banner is easily visible.

A member may not artificially inflate traffic counts to his/her site using any device, program, robot or other means. A banner cannot be placed on a page which reloads or refreshes automatically. Banners, loaded via the GiantMatic.com HTML may not be placed in newsgroups, e-mail, chatrooms, or guestbooks, unless permission is granted from GiantMatic.com.

Anyone caught artificially inflating traffic counts will have the offending account terminated immediately. If a member is part of the paid-publisher, the payments will be on hold until further investigation.

A member may not place the html tag on pages that are inaccessible.

GiantMatic.com also reserves the right to refuse to continue membership to any web site in the GiantMatic.com network that contains hate groups, illegal activities, is offensive or for any other reason.

GiantMatic.com retains all rights to the GiantMatic.com name, logo, software, databases, reports, web site, and information. No part of the GiantMatic.com website may be re-produced, stored, or distributed without the written consent of GiantMatic.com.

The information members provide to GiantMatic.com will be kept confidential and will not be distributed to any outside agency.

GiantMatic.com, its administrators, partners and sponsors cannot be held liable for any damage or loss of information that may occur from the use of GiantMatic.com’ services.

Members agree to use GiantMatic.com at their own risk and subject to all refund policies.

  • GiantMatic.com makes every effort to verify and maintain a high standard of quality for our services, but does not make any guarantees regarding the dependability, or accuracy of services.
  • GiantMatic.com will attempt to correct inconsistencies in credits due any member, if member offers some proof of inconsistency.
  • GiantMatic.com reserves the right to modify, or change these Terms and Conditions as it deems necessary. It is the member’s responsibility to keep current with changes in the Terms and Conditions, since changes are effective for all members, regardless of when member joined.